Leaders: Steven and Viveca
Group Meets: Biweekly on Sundays Starts September 8th 2024
Description: This group will be meeting in homes biweekly on Sunday afternoons. Families are encouraged to attend together with their children.
Study: Counter Intuitive Parenting by Karen Stubbs.
Leader: Julia
Group Meets: Biweekly on Monday evenings – 7:30pm to 9pm @ Trinity starting September 23rd. Childcare will not be provided.
Description: We will be doing a study through Lifeway called Abide by Jen Wilkin, studying 1, 2, & 3 John. In three short letters, the apostle John reminds an early church facing division, deception, and doubt to hold fast to what they know and to live like they believe it. And he reminds us, as well. In this 10-session Bible study on the letters of 1, 2, and 3, John, Jen Wilkin helps you see how two thousand years later, his words call to Christians in similar challenges to recall a great salvation and to abide in the truth.
Leader: Rose
Group Meets: Weekly on Tuesday afternoons, 1:00-3:00PM in Fireside Room at Trinity.
Jan 7 - May 27, 2025.
Miracles of Jesus with Jennie Allen on Right Now Media
Miracles of Jesus explores all four Gospels with teaching from Jennie Allen, Bianca Juárez Olthoff, Jada Edwards, and Sadie Robertson. Discover the ways Jesus healed, provided for, calmed, and resurrected the people he encountered. This seven-session study is about believing in the power of God who can accomplish anything. There’s nothing too big or too small for us to bring to him.
When we take time to learn about the overflowing kindness Jesus demonstrated to all kinds of people through miracles during his time on earth, we realize that he is radically generous, compassionate, and honoring toward all people. As you watch teaching from the places in Israel where Jesus performed miracles and dig into God’s Word, you will end the study in awe of the Messiah who relentlessly seeks, saves, and restores us.
All women are welcome to "drop in" with no long homework requirements. No childcare is provided. Each participant is encouraged to download the Right Now Media account (available through our church website, on the ‘Next Steps’ page).
Leader: Glen
Group Meets: Tuesday at 7:30pm in the Parents' Zone at Trinity all year round
Description: Men's Bible Study focused on applying the Word of God to our lives, growing in our faith, through study, sharing and prayer. Our next Study is called “Experiencing God”.
Leader : Sam
Group meets: 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7pm, twice per month at the home of Bev and Ron Meller in Fort Saskatchewan. Maximum of 12 people.
Description: We hear and use the word Gospel often, but what does it mean and how does it apply to my life? We’ll be studying the Book of Romans, aided by the RightNow video by J.D. Greear, to answer these questions and more.
Leaders: Jan & Dawn
Group Meets: Weekly on Wednesday mornings from 9:15-11:30am, starting January 22, 2025
Description: This group meets weekly at Jan residence. All are welcome; no experience is necessary.
Leaders: Chad and Lori
Group Meets: Weekly on Wednesday evenings. September 25th to December 11th
Description: This group will meet in Chad & Lori's home weekly on Wednesday evenings. The group is open to married couples. Study options will be discussed at the first group meeting.
Leader: Melody
Group Meets: The group meets in the morning, typically on Thursdays.
Description: This is a drop-in group for mom’s and tots to gather in community.
Leaders: David and Harriet
Group Meets: Weekly at 1pm Thursday afternoons starting September 12th, 2024.
This fall we begin a Fisherman's Bible study by James and Martha Reapsom on "Growing Through Life’s Challenges”. Throughout Scripture, we see evidence that God's people faced the same challenges we do today. From rejection to depression, facing overwhelming responsibilities to wrestling with doubts, these heroes of the faith shared the pain, frustration, and hopes that are common to modern day believers. By observing how biblical characters like Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Peter, and Paul, brought their fears and frustrations to God, we can learn to do the same. Filled with encouragement and hope, this study will convince you that God's character and presence can give you strength to face any difficulty.
Leaders: Ally and Ethan
Group Meets: Every 2nd Thursday at 7:00pm at Trinity starting September 19th.
Trinity Young Adults looks to create community and foster spiritual formation for college aged adults (18-25). This group looks to help young adults grow in their faith and helping them transition into the larger church.
Leaders: Pat and Jenny
Group Meets: Every second Friday evening.
Most people in the group are empty nesters, but anyone is welcome to attend. This fall we are looking to do N.T. Wright’s “Into the Heart of Romans: A Deep Dive into Paul’s Greatest Letter”. N. T. Wright—widely regarded as the most influential commentator and interpreter of Paul—deftly unpacks this dense and sometimes elusive letter, detailing Paul's arguments and showing how it illuminates the Gospel from the promises to Abraham through the visions of Revelation. Wright takes a deep dive into Romans 8, showing how it illuminates so much else that God reveals in Scripture: God the Father, Christology, and the Spirit; Jesus' Messiahship, cross, resurrection, and ascension; salvation, redemption, and adoption; suffering and glory; holiness and hope.
Into the Heart of Romans will help you become familiar with the book of Romans in a deeper way that will also deepen your understanding and appreciation of the Gospel itself.
Leaders: Ed Group Meets: Monthly on Saturday mornings.
This mid-sized monthly group is a perfect place to enjoy a delicious breakfast and meet new and familiar friends in a casual setting with no set program.
In addition to small groups, Trinity offers classes to help you take another step in your spiritual formation. Watch the events page of our website so you can sign up for these classes.
Whether married for 2 years or 40 years, whether in a good place or struggling, this 8-week course helps address modern challenges of marriage. These sessions are based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background. Each evening will include entertaining and dynamic videos to introduce the topic and guided questions to discuss privately with your partner. Please join this class if you are interested in building a stronger connection and partnership with your spouse.
Classes start Monday January 13 2025 7pm to 9pm. Registration required
In the three-video Dying with Christ - Living withHope series, we seek to demystify death and the dying process, making way for a new approach to end of life questions. The discussion, led by theologians and healthcare professionals, will give timeless perspectives on suffering, grief, dying, and our duty to care. We will discover that when we make a commitment to die with Christ, we can truly live with hope. The course has been created and materials produced by the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada.
Each week the course will involve personal reflection, an educational video, large group discussion, small group discussion with time for prayer and reflection. Each participant will receive a study guide.
Class runs Thursdays, February 13, 20 & 27 from 7pm-9pm. Registration is required.